Our databases of physicians and patients allow us to tap into respondents for hard-to-reach specialities and smaller sample sizes for qualitative research. There is no area of research too niche.  Our Database Coordinators work alongside infield and telephone recruiters. We combine our databases with the database of our local recruiters in “The Hub”.
We plan our recruitment using analytics overseen by our operations team.

Affiliates & Online Panels reach

If a project brief requires a larger sample size for a quantitative research project, then traditional online panels are a valuable resource. Our Hub allows us to expand our reach to a strong and trusted network of online affiliates.
Our resources team provide valuable insight on potential panel candidates, who could then become an affiliate, filling potential gaps in existing coverage.
All affiliates go through our certification process.  This guarantees that we are only partnered with the most experienced and established resources.  We believe this certification is what differentiates our service, ensuring our excellence in an ever-competitive industry.
Our affiliates are our permanent partners in our research services and we continue to monitor the quality of work provided.
All our affiliates adhere to the Market Research Society code of conducts and are GDPR compliant.


Connecting resources for the Healthcare Research Industry

Project management
Our operations team is multilingual and based in different time zones, providing you with seamless 24-hour coverage.
Client's list recruitment
We can run a survey online or over the phone. We can customise using a specific list of contacts you provide.
We can translate all documents required for any methodologies and analysis.
Survey Programming
Our programming team can use Decipher and Confirmit proficiently.
Survey Recruitment
The Hub's and our affiliates, rigorously adhere to the MRS code of conduct, ESOMAR, PMI and Ephmra guidelines.
Worldwide Reach
We have local presence and reach troughs our affiliates, helping your project succeed.

Hubresearch is a division of Healthcare Research Hub

Copyright © Healthcare Research | 2015-2022
Healthcare Research Hub LLP - Registered in England & Wales 
Company Registration OC399406
VAT Registration GB215032852
Legal Address: Kemp House, 152 City Road
EC1V 2NX London, United Kingdom